The Journey to Conscious Healthcare

#13- Olivia Watson's take on the Do's & Dont's of Support Coordination

Trevor Keen Season 1 Episode 10


Coming in HOT we have Episode 10 of Series 1

Today “The Journey to Conscious Healthcare” features Olivia Watson, Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) at Inclusive Social Work 

This podcast is called "Lead Social Worker Olivia Watson's take on the Do's & Don'ts of Support Coordination"

Today we Discuss: 

-  Career transition from a Journalist to a Social Worker 

-  What inspired Olivia to become a social worker 

-  The Impact that Social Worker being registered will have on the profession

- Understanding how to get Disability accredited as a social worker  

-  Challenges faced by Social Worker's when working in the NDIS and potential remedies for these challenges 

-  The importance of getting quality and purposeful supervision for all allied heath professionals and Support Coordinators 

-   The importance of self-care and finding a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout 

-  Who influence Olivia on her journey going from pre to post NDIS

- Marginalised groups and the importance of hearing their story 

-  How society disables people not the disability itself 

- The systems model and the role Social Work plays, along with the challenges experienced  

-  Being more than money - giving people the service they need and treating them with respect 

- How support coordinators deal with the stresses and pressures of the role

- Seeing 20 years into the future...

Thought Provoking Questions: 

With regards to load management 

- When you say yes to something, do you often say no to something else? If not, is this something you could benefit from?

- What do you think the disability sector will look in 20 years ? 

Special Mentions: 

Margaret Morrell - supervision training 

Sam Paior from The Growing Space 

- Bonnie Hand - Clinical lead from Novita 

Jeremy Brown - COO of Novita 

Josh Pryor - Manager of therapy services at Novita 

-  Aaron Byrne from National Disability Insurance Agency

#NDIS #TheJourneyToConsciousHealthcare #SocialWork

#SupportCoordination #TheDosAndDontsOfSupportCoordination