The Journey to Conscious Healthcare

#26 Aefre (Katharine) Annear MAICD founder of A Different mind, Chairperson of the DEAI, a Director at Autism CRC sits down with Trevor keen discusses from burnout to longevity, what drivers allied health professions & what does the future hold

Trevor Keen Season 2 Episode 5

We are back again with episode 26 of “The Journey to Conscious Healthcare” , on this episode of  ‘From burnout to longevity, what drivers allied health professions & what does the future hold’ we have the exceptionally talented and quite inspirational Aefre (Katharine) Annear.

Katharine is a registered Developmental Educator, a lecturer & clinical practitioner at Flinders University, and has served on local and national not for profit boards for over 20 years. Katherine currently is the founder of A Different mind, Chairperson of the DEAI, a Director at Autism CRC Katharine is also a founding member of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand and has spent over 15 years in the autism advocacy space, in both grassroots and high-level policy settings. Katharine also sits on the ministerially appointed Autism Advisory Group for the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), and the Children, Young People and Families Reference Group for the NDIA’s Independent Advisory Council. Katharine brings lived experience as an Autistic person who also has numerous Autistic family members. This is complimented by almost 20 years as a practicing Developmental Educator working predominantly with Autistic individuals who have complex support needs and their families. Katharine is a passionate advocate for co-design in research and public policy and the translation of research and policy into meaningful practice for disabled people; with a particular emphasis on including the most marginalised people.

Link to Episode 26 :

Today’s discussion:

  • A quirky hobby of Katherine’s
  • What is a Developmental Educator and what do they do ?
  • The history of Developmental Educators and how the discipline came into existence
  • The real world impact that Developmental Educators have on the lives of participants
  • The holistic approach that Developmental Educators use
  • How we can educate others to adopt and emphasise importance of interdisciplinary teams
  • How Developmental Educators and Occupational Therapists may overlap but complement one another
  • Capacity to blend different therapies when conducting an FCA to decrease participant wait times
  • Developmental Educators in the Positive Behaviour Support landscape
  • How early detection/diagnosis of Autism may help children and families
  • Katherines involvement in the guidelines for early developmental supports through the Autism
  • NDIS and education- how can we prevent people slipping through the cracks ?
  • The stigma that surrounds Autism and how we can shift this perspective
  • Katherines thoughts on what success in the disability sector would look like.

Shout outs:

  • Josephine Babaro
  • Bill Shorten
  • Emily Bourke
  • Peter Maliniaskous

Get in touch with Aefre (Katharine) Annear:’


Inclusion ED-

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